Wednesday 21 December 2011

Difference between sandbox & farm solution

Farm Solution:
Farm solutions, which are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe), run code that can affect the whole farm. When you debug a SharePoint project whose Sandboxed Solution property is set to "farm solution," the system's IIS application pool recycles before SharePoint retracts or deploys the feature so as to release any files locked by the IIS worker process. Only the IIS application pool serving the SharePoint project's site URL is recycled.

Sandbox solution:
Sandboxed solutions, which are hosted in the SharePoint user code solution worker process (SPUCWorkerProcess.exe), run code that can only affect the site collection of the solution. Because sandboxed solutions do not run in the IIS worker process, neither the IIS application pool nor the IIS server must restart. Visual Studio attaches the debugger to the SPUCWorkerProcess process that the SPUserCodeV4 service in SharePoint automatically triggers and controls. It is not necessary for the SPUCWorkerProcess process to recycle to load the latest version of the solution.

  1. When we create MOSS 2010 solution there are two options for solution type one is sandbox solution and another one is farm solution.
  2. people are very eager to know wht is the difference between them.
  3. sandbox solution:sandbox solution are solution that run in the context of's resticted.The solution can only access resources of that particulat sitecollection where it was deployed.
  4. By using sandbox solution we can deploy webparts,event receivers,feature receivers,Custom microsoft designer workflows activities,microsoft infopath business logics.It's cannot connect to resources that are not located on local server and can't access database as well as resources in different sitecollections.It is monitored & limited by quotas set by farm administrator.
  5. who can deploy sandbox solution:If the solution contains assembly than only sitecollection administrator deploy it and if the solution does not contains assembly than a user who has full control on root of sitecollection deploy it.
  6. Farm solutions:The scope of farm level solution is farm level so it has full trusted access to all resources and functionality of sharepoint.

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